Need your pool deck, patio deck or lanai resurfaced, sealed or repaired? Give us a Call!

There are many new decking materials to choose from that are both low maintenance and long lasting. 

Call us today to view our samples and bring your pool deck back to life!




How about a Stamped Concrete Overlay. This option is a preferred option as it is more durable and easier to clean than an acrylic or kool deck.  There are so many beautiful styles, patterns and colors to choose from! 

Old Granite Greyston 1 Old Granite, Beige Brown Old Granite, Canyon Tan Old Granite, Chocolate Brown Old Granite, Dark Beige 1 Old Granite, Dark Beige Old Granite, Greystone 1 Old Granite, Greystone Old Granite, Light Beige Random Stone, Beige Brown 1 Random Stone, Beige Brown 2 Random Stone, Beige Brown Random Stone, Canyon Tan Random Stone, Chocolate Brown 1 Random Stone, Chocolate Brown Random Stone, Dark Beige Random Stone, Greystone 1 Random Stone, Greystone Random Stone, Willow Grey Royal Asher, Beige Royal Asher, Brown Beige Royal Asher, Greystone Royal Asher, Light Beige Royal Asher, Willow Grey


Flag Stone or Pavers are also a Beautiful Choice! 


Some Before and After Pictures 


“Let CPR Bring Your Pool & Deck Back To Life”

“Let CPR Bring Your Pool Back To Life”

Custom Pool Renovations Inc.

1150 Malabar Rd, Suite 111, # 114
Palm Bay, FL 32907

(321) 634-4606

License # RP252555550