Salt Systems are one of the pieces of equipment designed to just simply make you as a pool owners life a little easier. Not only does it generate chlorine for your pool, it also keeps your skin soft with no more faded swim suits or irritated eyes and skin. There is also no more lugging those jugs to the pool supply store and lugging them back home. The Salt System regulates the chlorine for you. It can tell when you need it and  when you don’t. Sanitizing your pool is one of the most important aspects of keeping your pool healthy, clear and clean. 

TruClear Salt SystemAPUREMCellBox

“Let CPR Bring Your Pool Back To Life”

Custom Pool Renovations Inc.

1150 Malabar Rd, Suite 111, # 114
Palm Bay, FL 32907

(321) 634-4606

License # RP252555550